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The problem with the external stimuli within Reality


the problem with the stimuli within dreams is that there is no equivalent opposite, no yin to its yang, so to speak. (or is there?)

that is not to say it doesn’t happen, but that it is rarer as to reach such a state one must stand on the edge of the cliff, and to come out of it with the truth of what had happened,- and not a exculpation of rationality over the matter-, on the opposite yet so close side to that which a dreamer has when they feel a stimuli and are thus pulled closer to reality from the clutches of the irrational representations of known regulations and laws, formless yet so familiar. those that do happen are not remembered as such because of petty rationality grasps desperately at cause, causal thinking in which the brain MUST obtain a pattern without regard to TRUTH because TRUTH is not TRUTH in so far as it is complete or even so far as it is real. "The banker would think of business, the Christian of sin, the girl of her love" - said Nietzsche. everything must be thought of within the system of thought that one holds because it is the only system to which they know, even those who do not fall within this meager definition must also work within such a framework; they find the causes of the feelings projected unto the world. as in the schizophrenic must not be paranoid, - he must be being followed.

the whole narrative of reality falls unto such an event, our misapplications of causality, this is the common root of events in history that hold any particular significance. from the well which we hold within us comes the creators influence, and the misinterpretation of the divine will from the spirit, - as if poor mankind can grasp infinity! - defines such great and horrible actions that result in significant changes to how we see things as a matter of rationality. but even rationality is insufficient in that finding reasons are not to be done for the matter as it happened on the material plane, yet the discomfort of the unknown pains more than the discomfort of reasoned sources. Every sensation must have a purpose, suffering and pleasure comes from punishments and rewards come from either within, -from the brain, for the godless-, or from "without", - from the god and his servants, for the spiritual, - but yet the successful completion of an enterprise does not grant pleasure as a matter of course, but only because it is a PERSONAL task, or challenge from the self to the self.

So, then there must be two selves, the ""rational"" self, lucid, creative, --yet restricted by the social dynamics and the physical laws of the fact of being -, and the ""irrational"" self, structured, retentive, free yet constrained; alike his kin: stuck with half of the brain and unlike it: awakened while we sleep, in a sandbox consisting of only one plaything: our memories. each self can utilize within some manner of not-yet-researched function call of the brain to influence the other, and on the threshold of the other do they often reach across and modify our so called "reality" in such a way, -for a split moment- as if our brains have foresight.

Take, -if you will-, a dream, you are sleeping soundly, and the sound, typically loud, sometimes repetitive (though this is often to awake), appears in your dream. This might wake you, this might not, but it is definite an established part of a chain of events, perhaps leading up to it, that will be created in your imaginative landscape as if it was predetermined. this is the rational self-intruding on its neighbor. and this surely happens with the opposite characters as well.