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favorite darkest dungeon character

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@(Deleted) and to enlighten you, i like the pounder the most because of how different it is to the "Seek out big nigger and take it down", its more like assaulting the camp of brigands in a capture the flag mission, with in this case the pounder being the flag, which if left uncaptured will be captured by the enemy AKA the matchman iginiting it and annihilating you. You must fend off waves of human enemies assaulting you instead of some monstrosity, eldritch thing or risen undead. You bring 4 heroes against in lore a triple digit amount of outlaws

And much like anywhere else, if the flag is captured, you are essentially dead and at the mercy of the enemy, in this case that being the weakest enemy musketeer hitting 4 heroes on deaths door at the same time, you lost the game by letting the enemy capture the pounder from your grasps and ignite the shot at you

The end of it too, is similar to that, the pounder is destroyed, you captured the flag, you get the fuck out and not linger awating the next wave of brigands